Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Fix

I see a simple and incredibly effective way to turn this situation around. It has been tried before and with some success, and given this day of incredible communication and our ability to watch out for ourselves to a certain extent; we find the way and means to foster great and powerful change in America.

Fire all of them!

Yes, all. From the President to the page; if you have been employed in Washington, you have failed the American people and failed us to the extent that you do not even deserve a severance. You have let us all down. From doing nothing, knowing nothing or-- God forbid--participating in our demise, you should not have a job. You should be relieved of every bit of compensation and removed from any area where you might have influence. You have blown it. You have been negligent. You have squandered every bit of respect that you may have built in the past and you should be deprived of any opportunity to profit from your time spent on the payroll of this great nation.

They should all be fired!

As we concentrate on the current Presidential election we have been given (once again) very little choice by our two party system. To choose Obama is to choose an official who has done nothing but campaign on our dime since his entry into politics and seeks to move this country so far into socialism that the KGB would be proud(spread the wealth around). To choose McCain while a safe selection, will once again place an elected official that has done little to protect our interests (sure he may have tried but he has failed) . I am afraid we are at one of those dreaded moments where we must vote to simply keep ourselves out of trouble ( a vote for Obama will not protect us). Make no mistake our sitting president, whichever mediocre option we choose, Will be aware of what is happening to the house and senate as we take our government back.

Meanwhile we can clean up the supporting cast (house and senate) that has, to date, abandoned their responsibilities to act for themselves. We as a nation must seek to remove the incumbents and replace them all with new faces, rookies if you will, people who have at least not had a chance to succumb to the partnerships formed in Washington that effectively have removed the peoples good from their list of goals.

Vote very carefully in November, and keep in mind that we must remove all of the incumbent Democrats, Republicans, and Independents over the next 4 years simply because they have been there and have been wrong. Start getting the word out to your friends and neighbors now. We The People cannot regain control unless they take control. By the next presidential election everyone will know how serious we are about fixing this whole mess. Every politician should be aware that his/her future depends upon performing for the good of the people. A great America can return but not without great Americans at the helm.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Washington's Performance Evaluation

A performance evaluation is a systematic approach used to determine the effect that an employee exacts upon our common goals. This is often used to determine what resources are needed to improve this performance. By resources I mean, training, equipment, personnel or money.

When applied to our elected employees in Washington, the evaluation is somewhat saddening.

The numbers are in on our officials, this performance evaluation leaves us with very few opportunities.

Our personnel (all elected officials) have either; not been informed, not acted, not acted strongly enough, or chosen to ignore the current financial state of this country in lieu of personal enrichment.

The warning signs have been there. If our current financial state was a surprise to them, they have not done your job.

Washington has fallen far short of any reasonable expectations.

What remains from our point of view, is what should done about these substandard employees.

Keep in mind that they are aware of our expectations.
They are aware of our current needs.
They do possess the knowledge and resources to accomplish our requirements.

One can only surmise that, by choice, they have abandoned our goals for their own.

We cannot offer enough money, training, equipment or personnel to help them perform to our requirements (they have it all).

This places us (the employers) in the unenviable position of making a choice between their continued employment, and terminating (firing) them, followed by a replacement that understands the need to satisfy our common goals.

As we move forward with this Blog I hope we will all realize that we do indeed posses the power to fix Washington. There will be bumps in the road. There will be resistance to change. There will be times when "we the people" will need to give a little more of ourselves. Ultimately we need to retake control of our government.

This is the greatest country on earth! We posses the ability to aid the world in many ways but without gaining control of our government we may find ourselves simply as a historical footnote as a failed society, destroyed by our lack of control of our own employees.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Problem:

Our government, it seems, has forgotten that “We the People” are the employers and we do have very clear expectations for our employees (the elected officials of our broken Washington): Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, honest help and support for those who cannot support themselves, and protection from those who would seek to take these unalianable rights and liberties away from us, a watchful eye and continued accountability for ones’ actions. We have lost our way to an extent heartofore undocumented. It can be fixed!